Dream is work: a chopshop exercise
We shall explore ways to prototype elements extracted from dreams, which are then reconfigured into new narratives. Disowning the dreamers of their stories, dismantling dreams, reducing them into a limited amount of components, reassembling and enriching them with elements from a larger collection of dream objects and reactivating them as new stories, are the actions we shall collectively organize according to chop shopping methods ( from prototype to archetype/ chop shopping dreams)
Georges Pfruender, Donna Kukanma, Mwenya Kabwe
Artifactfiction est un projet artistique qui fonctionne sur le principe d'échange d'histoires contre des objets (ou artefacts) qui seront alors amenés à produire d'autres histoires. Le potentiel narratif des objets nous intéresse et nous envisageons l'idée de design-fiction comme une manière de proposer de nouvelles relations à notre environnement artificiel.
Artifactfiction is an artistic project that involves the swap of stories for artifacts which will then create for other stories. We are interested by the narrative potential of objects and envision the idea of design-fiction as a mean to create new relationships to our artificial environment.
Elsa Bouladoux / Gaëlle Cintré